Events Hephaestus Wien

The Public Diplomacy Office of the Embassy of Greece in Skopje: INVITATION

The Public Diplomacy Office of the Embassy of Greece in Skopje

In cooperation with the Skopje Summer Festival 2023

Has the pleasure to invite you to a Classical Music Concert.

Uwe Matschke (piano) and Danae Papamattheou-Matschke (violin) 

present works of

Yannis Constantinidis: Petite Suite sur des Airs Populaires Grecs du Dodécanèse 

Dimitri Terzakis: Sprüche im Wind

Boris Papandopulo: Sonata for Violin and Piano

Cesar Franck: Sonata for Violin and Piano

On Friday, July the 7th, 2023, at 20:30 p.m.


The National Opera and Ballet – Foyer 

Bulevard Goce Delchev 4, Skopje 1000, North Macedonia

200 guests limited / Reservation required

R.S.V.P. until Tuesday, 04.07.2023, at



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