Ελλάδα Μουσική Συνεντεύξεις

Before Sunday an exclusive interview for Hephaestus Wien

By Kostas Stefanidis

  • Hello guys! Welcome to Hephaestus! Very glad to have you with us! Tell us a few words about how your journey started? And what “BEFORE SUNDAY” means?

Hello! Thanks for the invitation! After some long-time intense music projects, I wanted to start something new based on original music only. A friend told me about Stella and we had our first meeting on a Saturday minutes till midnight (just before Sunday…). The funny thing is that we had so many mutual friends and we played so many times on the same stages in Thessaloniki, but we had never met each other till that moment. The rest is history… I’m glad that she decided to follow my ‘craziness’ about music in London and we’re still chasing our dreams since then. It’s amazing how much progress we’ve made since 2013 as individuals and as musicians.

  • We really like your work. You are an inspired band that using elements from wide range of music. Pop, soul, rock. How do you manage to mix all these elements?

Thank you! It just comes natural for the most part of it… I wouldn’t dare to put a label to the music we are writing… I tried a couple of times but I was always thinking ‘that’s not what describes it best’ so we just go with the flow… We like to blend different music genres based on a ‘mainstream’ point view. But you can easily find pop, rock, funk and blues in our songs. Experimenting with music is one of the fun parts of being in the band! So we are writing what really comes out of our soul and experience. It is limiting when we stick labels to every artist. We just want to love our songs without overthinking about genres… If it’s pop so be it… If it’s metal that’s fine too.

  • Your album was out on April 24 by Italian label Rockshots. They are a quite established label on the European rock-metal scene. What are your hopes about “Anticipation”?

Rockshots records are quite an established label when it comes to rock and metal and we’re glad theυ wanted to release our album even if it’s a bit more ‘out of the ordinary’ for them style-wise. Our hopes are simple! To make ‘Anticipation’ reach to as many people as possible and arrange some gigs around the world to promote it.

  • Your musicianship is almost perfect. What are you main influences? As a band and separate musicians?

Thanks for the compliment! Musical influences? Can be anything. From pop and blues to metal. We always filter our influences in our own way. You can find Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Sia, Michael Jackson, James Brown, Metallica, Pink and much more ‘hidden’ through ‘Anticipation’.

  • Do you believe that the lyrics are an important part of the songs?  By the way, congrats about the “Devil” lyrics. Really impressive and optimistic!

We are seeking inspiration on our daily lives. This is the main element that affects our music. Especially in London you can have so many experiences. Could be about disappointment, pain, betrayal or strength, encouragement and positive energy. The important thing about lyrics is for the listener to be able to ‘connect’ with them, make them part of his life and interpret them in their own way. Glad you liked ‘Devil’! It’s a very ‘simple’ and also ‘philosophical’ song!

  • You supported the mighty Pavlov’s Dog on their Greek and British lives. Considering that you are a very new band, was this easy to achieve? Tell us a few words about your impressions on this tour.

Touring with Pavlov’s Dog in UK and Greece was definitely a fantastic experience. They are all great people and amazing musicians and we are very glad that we shared the stage with them. We are still friends and keep in touch with them. It was a very fulfilling experience that we loved even if we felt exhausted after the end.

  • Imagine that you are a magician in this world. What would be the first thing that you will change on the planet Earth?

If I was a magician in this world , the first thing I would change it would be the depression and negativity. Depression is the leading global disability. I would spread much more positivity and happiness around…

  • Coronavirus…influences all of our lives and scares us to death. What do you think? And what would be the first thing to do when you will be totally free again?

Well it was unexpected wasn’t it? And on the other hand, is like nature sending us a ‘message’…  What coronavirus did to humanity is actually crazy and sudden. People die, people afraid to go anywhere, some of them stuck in different places away from their homes… What a situation to go through… Nothing will be the same when everything is over. We need to learn our lesson and become more thoughtful and grateful. The first thing we are going to do is to meet our family and friends.

9) Are there any plans for new recordings? Do you have new songs ready?

At the moment we are promoting Anticipation and we’re planning on releasing a couple of more videos. But we slowly started recording ideas for the 2nd album. Very soon we are going to have some brand-new demos!

10) Your biggest plan for the future?

Touring all over the world and…win a Grammy maybe?

11) The last word is yours. Please send a message to our readers!

Keep supporting musicians you like and art in every form! If you like a song or an artist, show it! Go to gigs and buy merch, share their music. It helps a lot… Stay safe and take care of yourselves!


Thank you very much for the interview!

Thanks for the invitation!

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