
“Violence against Journalists”


In cooperation with the Association of European Journalists, The Austrian-Greek association „Hephaestus Wien – Österreichisch/Griechischer Integrationsverein “has the honor of inviting you to a webinar on the topic of:


“Violence against Journalists”

 On Sunday, 17.10.2021, at 18:00 CET


The webinar is dedicated to the memory of Daphne Caruana Galizia on the 4th anniversary of her assassination on the 16th of October 2017.

 Salutations will be addressed by:

Heinz Gstrein, Journalist, member of the “Hephaestus Wien–Österreichisch/Griechischer Integrationsverein”.

Aimilios Perdikaris, Chairman of the Board / General Manager of Athens-Macedonian News Agency

Introduction by: 

Sofia Kartali, Investigative Journalist


Corinne Vella, The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation, on the topic of: “Safety of journalists is essential to democracy”

Isaia Tsaousidou Journalist Association of European Journalists, Int. President, speaking on: “Media freedom in danger”


Iphigenie Moraitini Patriarchea, member of the “Hephaestus Wien–Österreichisch/Griechischer Integrationsverein”.

The webinar will take plebe in English Language.


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