Hephaestus Wien

Support Hellenic studies at UCLA

Dear Friends,

As we celebrate another holiday season and approach the end of 2023, we want to express our gratitude for your support of the UCLA Stavros Niarchos Foundation Center for the Study of Hellenic Culture. Thank you for attending our events, reading our news, supporting Hellenic research, artists, and UCLA students. Our Center is young but mighty, and there’s a lot we want to accomplish!

Please consider making a gift to help further our mission of advancing the study of Hellenic culture on UCLA’s campus. From funding innovative research to hosting academic lectures and conferences, to presenting original performances, our Center is committed to building community around Hellenic studies not just in Southern California, but across the globe.

A donation of any amount can have an impact!  To learn about ways you can give to our Center, please visit our website, or click the link below to make a gift online today.

We send our best wishes to you for a wonderful holiday season!

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