Cyprus Hephaestus Wien News

Cyprus Maritime Award 2023

The Shipping Deputy Ministry hereby announces that the “Cyprus Maritime Award”, a tradition dating back to 1995, will be awarded, as is customary, during the opening ceremony of the “Maritime Cyprus 2023” Conference which will take place on Sunday 8th October 2023.

The Cyprus Maritime Award comprises the following categories:
a) The Cyprus Maritime Personality Award
b) The Cyprus Shipping Industry Award.

This distinction is awarded every two years either to an individual (“Cyprus Maritime Personality Award”) or to a legal person (“Cyprus Shipping Industry Award”), during the “Maritime Cyprus” Conference by the President of the Republic.

The Selection Committee for the Cyprus Maritime Award 2023, as appointed by the Shipping Deputy Minister to the President, comprises the following:

Natasa Pilides

Anthony Madella, Shipping Deputy Ministry
Ioannis Efstratiou, Shipping Deputy Ministry
Ioannis Typaldos, Shipping Deputy Ministry
Christina Patsiou, Shipping Deputy Ministry
Themis Papadopoulos, Cyprus Shipping Chamber
Thomas Kazakos, Cyprus Shipping Chamber
Polys V. Hajioannou, Cyprus Union of Shipowners
Kikis Mouskas, Cyprus Union of Shipowners

Nominations for the 2023 Award must be submitted to the Selection Committee, via the Permanent Secretary of the Shipping Deputy Ministry, using the prescribed forms, between 26 July 2023 and 24 August 2023 (latest at 15.00 hours).

The call for applications for the Cyprus Maritime Award will be made on 26 July 2023.

 FORM A personality award 2023.docx
 FORM B industry award 2023.docx

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