
Οι BLACK REUSS από το Λιχτενστάιν μιλούν στο Hephaestus


Hello and welcome to Hephaestus! We really liked your work and decided to ask you a few questions. Thanks for accepting the invitation! Your debut album “Metamorphosis” has been recently re-released via Sliptrick Records. How did you come to this agreement and why did you decide to re-release your debut album?

Thank you for your interest in Black Reuss…Sliptrick noticed Black Reuss and contacted me. After a few talks, we entered into a partnership. Apparently, they still saw potential in the two albums and re-released them. I’m very glad they did that.



“Anger” is the single of “Metamorphosis”. Why did you choose this song as a single and what is the meaning of the video that accompanies it?

I had brought the riff of this song over and over again for over 10 years and played it in different sessions. But it never turned into a song. Then I tried it again for Metamorphosis and suddenly it turned out to become the right good song. The song stands out from the others and is a bit more commercial. But I didn’t do that on purpose. That’s why it’s a single. In the video, I address the topic that fear can cloud judgment and that people often overreact when they are angry. Anger can break out as a counter-reaction to somethings and makes you blind, which leads to actions that may later be regretted.



When did you compose “Metamorphosis” and what memories do you keep from this procedure?

I started working on Metamorphosis in 2017. At that time, I was also very involved with sound design, concept etc. etc. I tried a lot until the sound I wanted was there. I also set up my own studio and geared it towards Black Reuss. That also took a while. Usually everything starts with a riff or a melody. Then one influences the next and it goes on and on until I have the song. It’s different with the lyrics. From the beginning I wanted to write about the flow of my life. This resulted in four chapters and several topics. The whole thing then ended in a concept that has four chapters. An album for every chapter… that’s how it all came about.



After “Metamorphosis” you released a second album entitled “Journey”. When was this album composed, recorded and produced?

I started working on Journey as soon as Metamorphosis was finished. Since I had the setup in the studio and with my partners, I was able to get started right away. Unlike Metamorphosis, on Journey I worked with Diego Rapacchietti from the legendary band Coroner on drums. Which brought a lot of positive things. On the first album I worked with programmed drums. That makes it a bit stiffer than the second.



“Metamorphosis” and “Journey” are both part of a quadrilogy. Please tell us more about the concept.

As I said, the concept is about the flow of my life. I am very reflective about myself and what I want to be. The goal is to be happy in this life, to give something back to the world, and to live in a way that allows me to own whatever I do. I’m right in the middle of it, so to speak, and haven’t quite arrived yet. That means Metamporphosis and Journey are more retrospective, and Arrival and Death are projective. The topics I had with me were so many that I made a four-chapter path out of them.



What did you make different in “Journey” compared to “Metamorphosis”?

Musically speaking, Journey is more mature. I was able to learn from the mistakes of the predecessor. The fact that I was able to work with a good drummer at Journey also made a difference. I also think Journey is a little less dark and more positive than Metamorphosis. That is also the intention.


Do you follow the music scene of today? Do you have any favorite bands or bands you’d love to cooperate with?

I have been influenced by many artists. My musical horizon is very broad. I listen to everything from classical to jazz, from alternative rock to metal, from doom to stoner rock…from electronica to urban. But rock is my thing. That’s the music that touches me the most. Something just happens there. But there are also artists who are not only great musicians but also great people or beautiful landscapes and even art and books. When someone or something is very authentic and lives what they do, or has a certain beauty, it’s very inspiring and you can hear that in the music.


No. There is not one band I would like to work with. If then individual musicians. But in this regard it is important to me that it makes musical sense and not for marketing reasons. Both is of course optimal, but the music must be the motivator for it. I could imagine having a female voice in one or two songs in the third album. Don’t know if it will happen…. We will see.



If you had to keep only 5 music albums to listen for the rest of your life, which albums would you choose and why?

That would be very difficult… but I try.

First would be Paranoid from Black Sabbath as this is an important album because it’s kind of a blueprint for Metal and it is after all these years still great… so it would stay great for the next 500 years…Second October Rust from Type O Negative as this album I listen since it was released, and it still touches me very much. Third Ten from Pearl Jam… as this is a Milestone in songwriting and expression.Fourth Abbey Road from The Beatles as sometimes I would need some happier songs but songwriting at its best.…and the fifth would be Kid A from Radiohead as one of the more stunning sonic makeovers in music history.



Will you play live with Black Reuss? How do you imagine that? Do you have any previous live experience with other bands?

I’ve been actively making music for a little over 30 years now and I’ve played about 700 shows. So, there is a bit of experience… but unfortunately it was a long time ago and I want to do it again with the next album. However, the decisive factor will be whether anyone wants to hear Black Reuss live and that shows take place in the right context. I imagine Black Reuss in a very dark and melancholic context. The mood and the place must be right to be able to transport what Black Reuss is. And of course, I need to set up a Band who is able to do this.



How do you plan the ending of the Black Reuss quadrilogy with “Arrival” and “Death” albums?

I can’t say exactly yet. I’m thinking about releasing the whole thing as a complete work. There are ideas but nothing concrete. I could also imagine doing a show with the concept or a movie… but like I said, those are just ideas.



I know this is a question about the future, but do you have an idea what will happen to Black Reuss after the quadrilogy has been completed? What’s on your mind?

When that’s done, something new will come along. I don’t know what yet, but it’s not the plan that Black Reuss will be finished then… it will continue, I guess.



Thank you for the interview! The last words are yours…

I have to thank you…. Keep on rocking.


Official Website: www.blackreuss.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/blackreuss

Instagram: www.instagram.com/blackreussmusic/

Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UC9UG6Rfa93ldqXiP3D6kVyA

TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@blackreuss

Black Reuss – HOLE


Black Reuss – ANGER
