Χωρίς κατηγορία



Organization – Teaching: Giannis Megalakakis


The Experiential Dance Seminar will be held in Crete and specifically in Anogia, Rethymno on the dates: August 27 – August 29, 2021. The Experiential Dance Seminars will be held in collaboration with the Association: Cultural Association of Anogia.
The Seminar lasts three (3) days (Friday – Sunday).
Also, all measures and rules of personal hygiene and protection will be observed.



The three (3) days of the Experiential Seminar include:
-Ten (10) hours of teaching Cretan dances with Giannis Megalakakis.
-Teaching accompanied by local musicians in some teaching hours.
-Participation of local dancers in some teaching hours.
-Teaching in nature – in various parts of the village.
-Visits to places of cultural, historical and folklore interest of the area.
-Walks in beautiful natural landscapes of the area.
-Field research of the participants of the Experiential Laboratory.
– Small parties – groups with the locals.
-Souvenirs – Certificates of attendance.



Innovation of the event: The Experiential – Communication Teaching, as a tool
The student participant lives the teacher and learns not only from the simple transmission of the knowledge of dance and steps, but also through the interaction with the environment. The teacher is the coordinator of the group action, who teaches, explains, observes and motivates the group to experiment, to do their own research, to get in touch with the locals of each area, to conduct their own research and to makes its own discoveries.

Target Audience :
To those who wish to be introduced to the Cretan dance art regardless of their dance level, age and origin.

Vision – Goal:
The renowned dancer and teacher of Cretan dances Giannis Megalakakis created a cultural institution, through which he envisions and aims to spread and upgrade the art of Cretan dance throughout the world, through the experiential knowledge of the Cretan tradition.



Tuition Costs – Organization:
The price for each Experiential Dance Seminar is € 60 per person for the three (3) teaching days.

Transportation – Accommodation – Food – Guided tours – Small parties:
The costs of transportation, accommodation, food, guided tours and small parties are borne by each participant separately.

Means of payment:
The payment for the participation in an Experiential Seminar is made with a bank deposit of 60 €, which also works as a confirmation of your reservation.



The bank account in which the deposits will be made is shown below:
IBAN GR 82 0172 0530 0050 5309 5248 378 | PIRAEUS BANK
Beneficiary of the account: Giannis Megalakakis

  • Do not forget to mention in your deposit, your name, so that we can easily confirm your registration.

Two accommodation options in Anogia
+30 2834 031459 Mrs. Aristea
+30 2834 031817 Mrs. Marina




He comes from Apokoronas, Chania and Arkadi, Rethymno.

For 25 years he has been conducting on-site recordings and surveys in the villages of Crete. Collects photographic and rare audiovisual material on the subject of dance art and history of Crete.

He travels around the world to raise the level of Cretan dance expression.

His vision is to spread and promote Cretan dance as a world art.

He has collaborated on stage with modern dance, flamenco, with Egyptian spinning Dervishes as well as with traditional dancers from many parts of Greece.

He teaches Cretan Cretan dances in many Cultural Institutions of Attica and has over 300 Cretan dance seminars in all prefectures of Greece, in many cities in Europe, America, Canada and Australia.

In 1997 he danced at the opening ceremony of the World Athletics Championships at the Kallimarmaro Stadium under the direction of Vangelis Papathanassiou.

In 1998, together with his twin brother George, they founded the “Cretan Dance Expression Group”.

In 2004 she danced at the closing ceremony of the Athens Olympic Games, at the Olympic Stadium (O.A.K.A.) under the direction of Dimitris Papaioannou.

With their Dance Group they have presented original performances and special presentations – lectures at the Academy of Athens, at the New Benaki Museum, at the Pallas Theater, at the Rock Theater, at the Eugenides Foundation, at the Museum of Folk Art and Tradition “Angeliki Chatzimichali” , at the Center for Mediterranean Architecture (Chania), at the Amphitheater of the Municipal Gallery (Larissa), at the Gyzi Palace (Santorini), at the Badminton Theater, at the Papagou Theater, at the Lycabettus Theater, at Dora Stratou Theater, at the Halan Center in Limassol, Cyprus and elsewhere, collaborating with the most important artists of Cretan and art music.



He has collaborated with the director Giannis Smaragdis for the needs of the films “El Greco” and “Kazantzakis” as well as with the director Thodoris Papadoulakis for the needs of the TV series “The Island”.

He has released two publications: “When I listen to Crete” in 2006 “,” I dance for centuries in Crete “in 2011 with rare audiovisual material on the subject of Cretan dances.

He has authored three books: “Choreographing” in 2011, “My favorite word, it became your name” in 2015 and the fairy tale “Grandpa’s steppes” in 2019.