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O Jason Crosson των Αυστραλών Theatrical Glam Rockers CROSSON μιλάει στο Hephaestus


Hello Jason! You have been working on a new album with CROSSON. Please give us the details of the album and its release.

Thanks for having me. The new album will be titled ‘Ready Aim Rock’ and will be released towards latter half 2022 . It’ s currently being mixed in the USA by Duane Baron ( Motley Crue / Poison , Ozzy Osbourne) and I’ve been going through the mixes everyday.


What new and exciting does the new album bring in for CROSSON?

This will be the best and most bombastic CROSSON album date and is a huge leap in terms of song writing and production. The album is packed with the signature CROSSON catchy rock anthems, but on some tunes I have dug into my love for Jim Steinman’s songwriting ( Meat Loaf, Bonnie Tyler) so you can except a few epic songs on it.


You’ve been active with CROSSON for over 20 years. Which were the band’s highlight moments?

I can’t believe it’s been that long when he concept was so embryotic. !!

I guess the stars aligning after years of trying to get the sound, image and production to the level it’s at  today and watching this whole CROSSON concept grow. Getting signed a German label back in 2015 really helped us and put us on the map. One definite highlight was being asked by Ron Keel to join him onstage to sing The Right To Rock!!


What did you have to work out in order to make the band what it is today?

Ha!! Nearly everything!!! It took a many years of trial and error to get our sound, image and stage show to the level it is today. It really wasn’t until our 2016 album ‘Spreading The Rock N Roll Disease’ when we engaged Duane Baron ( Motley Crue, Poison, Alice Cooper etc) as our mixing engineer that we started to get recognized on an international level.

No one is ever going to get it right the first time, so I guess it’s just a matter of trying things out. If it doesn’t work, take a step back and reevaluate. Then try again until the stars align.


What is success for you? Do you think you have succeeded in your goals for CROSSON so far? And which are your next plans?

Success is relative. A smaller band starting out can look at us and think we are successful. We can look at a bigger band and think they are successful. They can look at an even bigger one etc …. Where does it end? Just do what you love and do your absolute best. If you aim for the stars, you might hit the moon !!

If anyone thinks they have achieved all their goals then it’s time to stop. We want to play bigger shows, visit many more places around the world and deliver our stage show to the masses.

Next week we begin shooting the videos for the new album and then its putting the whole package ( album, artwork, videos, ) together and working with our publicists to ensure it gets full coverage.


Which bands are your all-time favorite and influences for CROSSON?

Well, my first love as a young kid was ABBA and to this day when songwriting , I will try and add counter melodies like Benny and Bjorn used to but with a hard rock edge to it.

That being said, if there was no KISS, then there would definitely be no CROSSON. At the end of the day, I’m an 80s rock child and subsequently  have been influenced by a plethora of 80s bands such as, Motley Crue, Scorpions, Def Leppard, Dokken, Iron Maiden, Dio, Stryper, Vandenberg, Cheap Trick, Ozzy, Poison, WASP (the list just goes on !!!)


 Is everything we see and listen in CROSSON based on your own ideas or it’s rather a collective work with many people for costumes, choreographies etc.?

Nothing is 100% original as we all have been influenced by something or somone and take a bit from here and a bit from there and put it all in a blender. Also surrounding oneself with a good team is really important.

With respect to artwork , album covers, logos, costumes etc , I generally will come up with the basic concepts and then work with the graphic artists /  costume designers and throw ideas back until we have something that works.

As for the music, I write, arrange and produce songs and sometimes get some help if I’m stuck, but am always open to suggestions an ideas from our engineers and musicians.

The chorography?? Ha!! I leave that to our the girls to do. That’s way out of my league. Have you seen me dance??? Not a pretty sight !! I’ll just advise the girls what songs need to be choregraphed and what costumes they will be wearing and they then do the rest.


What is glam for you?

When I was growing up , the 70s was considered glam and the 80s was Heavy Rock and Metal.  Nowadays, anything representing an 80s scene is considered glam. Whether is Glam Rock or Glam Metal, for us its about putting a show and image together that is exciting and visually stimulating and keeps our audience entertained and guessing.



How much time do you have to prepare before going on stage for a CROSSON live show?

I usually running around most of the day ensuring everything is going to schedule and get to the venue about 3 hours beforehand. Usually, one hour before we go on, I lay everything else aside and start putting on the regalia. I’ll drink my herbal tea with honey, suck on a few throat lozenges, do some vocal warm ups and some stretching and try and clear my mind.


Which new glam rock and glam metal bands do you appreciate?

There are so many great new bands out there. I love Crazy Lixx, H.E.A.T, W.E.T, Grand Design, Wig Wam, Battle Beast, Beast In Black, Toxic Rose,  Hitten,  Lipz , Wicked Smile, Gathering Of Kings, Temple Balls…… the list goes on


What do you think made glam rock and glam metal survive years it had gone underground?

I think people missed the entertainment and fun value that the 80s provided with the visuals, catchy choruses and energetic stage shows. The 90s were so depressing singing about doom and gloom, with no image and stripped backed stage shows. People want to be entertained. Also, this type of music has been passed onto the next generation so younger bands are now playing the same sort of music their parents were listening to 30 years ago.

We have greatly enjoyed your studio albums and the live album “Live at the Orpheum”. How do we order your merch?

Thank you. That’s very kind.  Please go to http://crosson.com.au/shop/ and from there you can either go to our music or merch page.


Thank you very much for the interview. Jason! It was a pleasure! We hope to see you live in Europe soon!

Thanks for having me. The pleasure was mine.  Keep up the great work you guys are doing defending the faith at keeping the genre alive and kicking .







CROSSON – Weak at the Knees (For a Hot Brunette!!) (Music Video)


CROSSON – Rest In Peace (Official Music Video)


CROSSON – Everyone’s A Star (Official Music Video)
