
SALONiko Kultursalon presents: “…And why are you funny?” An indepth evening of improv and stand up

Join us on June 4th for laughs and truths as we explore the fascinating art form of comedy. What makes someone funny and why would you ever want to be a comedian?

Can anyone do it and what’s it like to do this in Vienna? With a mix of stand-up sets and interview style questions, we hope to have a night that entertains as much as it explores.

Want to tell us something funny about you? The second part of the evening is improvised crowd work based on your suggestions and experience. We look forward to sharing the evening with you, with the unique show.

The event is free to attend and donations are encouraged at the end. If you had fun of course!

Reserve your seat here...

AERA, Gonzagagasse 11, 1010 Wien

Tuesday 4 June at 20:00

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