Cérémonie d’Allumage de la Flamme olympique à Olympie, Grèce
Events Hephaestus Wien

The Olympic flame began its magical journey to Paris

The Olympic flame began its magical journey to Paris after a mystical ceremony on Tuesday, April 16 in Ancient Olympia in the presence of the President of the Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou.

The thick clouds prevented the Holy Light from being born from the mirror and so the flame of the dress rehearsal was used. The High Priestess Maria Mina passed the Olympic Flame to the first torchbearer, Olympic Champion Stefanos Ntouskos, sending a resounding message of peace, friendship and solidarity to the whole world.

The 35 priestesses and 15 kouros offered magical moments, dressed in costumes by internationally renowned designer Mary Katrantzou, who took part in the ritual entitled “Rush of Sacred Silence”, inspired by choreographer Artemis Ignatiou to the music of renowned composer Dimitris Papadimitriou.

The Olympic anthem was sung by the famous American mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, while the Olympic circles were formed by pupils from the schools of the Municipality of Ancient Olympia in front of more than 10,000 spectators who filled the ancient stadium.

The President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, President of the European Olympic Committees and member of the International Olympic Committee, Spyros Capralos, delivered a message of truce in his speech: “During a magic ritual, full of symbolism and universal messages, the long-awaited journey of Olympic values around the world will be launched. A journey in which everyone can participate. Wherever they are, wherever they come from and whatever they stand for. First and foremost, with their heart and their minds. Because the Olympic Games is the only event in the history of humanity, that has remained unchanged and succeeds in uniting, empowering, and transforming people and their principles.  But the Olympic Games can also change the world. I will repeat it. They were born here. In GREECE. After all, the word athlete is also Greek, originating from the word ATHLOS, which means achievement, and by today it has been incorporated into all the languages of the world. The Olympic Flame will therefore begin its journey to Paris, for the first Olympic Games in Europe after a full 12 years, and 20 years after the Olympic Games in Athens, spreading the vision of peace and respect, and inviting all nations to implement the Olympic Truce. And this exact message needs to be spread throughout the world, which is struggling today with wars. Τhis is the time when we all have to stop in order to contemplate and measure what is of value. To correct, change and restart.”

In his speech, the President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach said:

“We are grateful to the Greek people to this very day for this precious gift to all humankind. The presence here today of the President of the Hellenic Republic, Her Excellency Katerina Sakellaropoulou, is a reminder of the direct connection between this ancient heritage and modern Greece. This is why I would like to thank you, Your Excellency, for gracing us with your presence to celebrate this auspicious moment with us. My thanks and gratitude also go to our hosts, the Hellenic Olympic Committee, under the great leadership of President Spyros Capralos and the Mayor of Olympia, Aristeidis Panagiotopoulos, who are playing such an essential role to preserve this noble heritage.    Since ancient times, there is an inseparable link between the Olympic Games and peace. The sacred Olympic Truce, the ekecheiria, was the foundation for the ancient Olympic Games to take place in peace, making them a symbol of hope. This idea of promoting peace and hope through sport was taken up by Pierre de Coubertin when he revived the modern Olympic Games nearly 130 years ago. Always the visionary, he said: “The Olympic Games are a pilgrimage to the past and an act of faith in the future.”

The Mayor of Olympia Aristidis Panagiotopoulos and the President of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games “Paris 2024” Tony Estanguet also gave speeches. The ceremony was attended by the Vice-President of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas, the Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni, the Minister of Tourism Olga Kefalogianni, the Deputy Minister of Sport Giannis Vroutsis, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Sport Giorgos Mavotas and the President of the Olympic Committee for the Olympic Games. the Minister of Sport Giorgos Mavrotas, the Regional Governor of Western Greece Nektarios Farmakis, the President of the International Olympic Academy Isidoros Kouvelos, the President of the “Athens 2004” Organizing Committee Gianna Angelopoulou, the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, the Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo and many members of the HOC Plenary.

Stefanos Ntouskos spoke about the honor of being the first torchbearer: “I felt incredible, unique emotions that I did not expect, so many people applauding you and you carrying Olympism to the world. I never expected to come here today, to be an Olympian and to carry the Olympic flame.” The flame was handed over to the 2004 French Olympian Laure Manaudou, while the third torchbearer was the Vice-President of the European Commission, Margaritis Schoinas.

The Lighting ceremony was organized by the Hellenic Olympic Committee under the direction of the President of the Olympic Torch Relay Committee, Thanasis Vassiliadis, and the Master of Ceremonies, Yiannis Papadimitriou, member of the Marketing Committee of the HOC.

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