OPEN CALL for Berlin-based artists and global Greek artists
OPEN CALL for Berlin-based artists and global Greek artists of all disciplines! No participation fees!
“Art is Work: True Story”* is the newest addition to our campaign
“SAY Yes to the Arts!”, and a safe online space for Berlin-based artists and Greek artists from anywhere in the world to tell their side of the story.
If you are a Berlin-based artist (all ethnicities are welcome) or a global Greek artist, currently working on a new project, be part of the true story!
A short Artist Bio in English (max 200 words)
Photo or short video (must be ONE of the following):
a photo or a short video of you working on your new project OR
a photo or short video of your new project OR
your photo-portrait or video-portrait shot during or immediately after Art-Working.
Submissions are welcome from 11.11.2020 – Open End (depending on the duration of the Berlin-lockdown) to:
Email: OR
NO participation fees.
Call Open to Berlin-based artists and Greek Artists of all disciplines!
As long as Berlin stays in lockdown, participations will be exhibited on TOGAS (Téchne Online Gallery and Stage) on Instagram and our Website.
A selection of the most popular exhibits will be presented in Berlin as part of an “In Person” exhibition planned for 2021.
*Art (is) Work: True Story
The imposed lockdown has isolated the Field of Arts and Culture, diminishing their necessity in human society, and thus questioning the economic importance of Artists in both the local and global markets.
When Art is described as a hobby, Artists, in the collective mind, are inevitably diminished to thoughtless individuals who do not work but play all day, every day. Thus, one may argue that demanding from society to respect and value the Artists and their labour is unreasonable.
Téchne wishes to offer a safe space for all Berlin-based artists of all ethnicities and Greek artists from all over the world to tell their side of the TRUE STORY by sharing a short video or a photo of their current project or themselves during or immediately after long hours of art-working. Is the world ready to recognise and honor our toil?
Poster designed by Anastasia Argyropoulou for Téchne