Angels PR Music Promotion

Μιλήσαμε με τον Αμερικανό κιθαρίστα AARON KUSTERER

We are going to interview a prominent artist from Missouri U.S.A., his name is Aaron Kusterer, and we are going to say a few words about his new EP “A Little Louder”.

Hello Aaron nice to have on our webpage.

Who is Aaron Kusterer, can you say a few words about your so far carrier in music ?

Hi! Thanks for having me! My career has taken some wild turns and I would say it’s far from traditional. Honestly, nothing has happened the way that I thought it would. Which isn’t a bad thing! It has definitely kept me on my toes. I grew up in a musical family. My Mom is a music teacher and my Dad played guitar. There was always music around the house. Technically my first instrument was piano and I do still play to this day but once Dad bought me a guitar, I knew what I wanted to do. In my late teens, I joined the United States Air Force military band and played guitar in multiple bands there for almost 15 years. That was my first real exposure to professional musicians. Being a part of that organization really helped me hone my craft as a musician, music director, and tour manager. We played a wide variety of music in a ton of different countries across the world. In 2017, my wife and I moved to Los Angeles for me to work outside the military band and that has been quite a ride unto itself. I’ve had the opportunity to work with artists such as Eddie Money and Annie Bosko, along with producing a number of artists which has helped to further hone both my playing and audio engineering skills. The ride is definitely still going! I just have to keep holding on tight!

As an artist you have many influences in your sound from your adulthood and from artist of the last few decades, was it difficult to find your own unique sound?

Any artist goes through phases of listening and influence. I think for me, the challenge has definitely been to find a place in modern music while being raised on the 80s/early 90s. That time period will always hold a special place in my heart. My sound has become a blend of late 80s/early 90s writing/guitar work with (hopefully) a more modern take from a production standpoint. The classic guitar influence will probably always be there to some extent but I’m working on bringing the overall sound into the modern age. This is the primary challenge but I just keep chipping away at it!

The title of your new EP is “A Little Louder”, can you tell us how did you came up with such a name?

A good chunk of the EP is very “loud” and energetic. Much more so than anything I’ve done before. So the title holds a dual meaning-both being “a little louder” than previous projects and hopefully fun enough for people to want to turn it up a little louder.

In your opinion which song/songs of the EP you hold close at heart?

Probably Only Be Me and Learning to Feel. Both are fun rock tunes which I love to play but the meaning behind the songs is important to me. “Only Be Me” originally stemmed from being told a really long time ago that I couldn’t really sing by someone (though I wanted to) but morphed into a song about being put in a box—told what I should or shouldn’t be. I can only be myself and I have to try my best to just simply not care about what others think. “Learning to Feel” is about recovering from a really difficult time in a relationship, sorting through those feelings, and reconnecting with that same person.

Who are the other contributors who helped you in the release of the EP?

Here are the additional musicians on the EP: Adam Peri – Keyboards, Zak St. John – Drums/percussion, Victor Broden – Bass, George Brahler – Trumpet, Anna Hamilton – Additional vocals,  I produced and mixed the record myself, and mastering was done by John Cuniberti.

In your opinion for an artist is it hard to be a composer and a songwriter at the same time, or it gives you the freedom needed to express your vision?

Personally, I think it gives you the freedom to fully flesh out your vision if you have one and are capable of doing it. That said, I think it’s song-specific. Songs can be represented a ton of different ways and sometimes having someone else compose or produce can net some really incredible things.

Have you already planned some live shows for next few months?

I’m working on putting together some live shows for late this coming year/early next year. At the moment, my focus is on recording more music.

What should we expect in the near future from Aaron Kusterer?

Currently, I’m working on several singles that will be out in the next few months.

Is there a message that you want to address to the visitors of our webpage?

We would like to thank you for your time and hope to see you soon performing live.

Well, be on the lookout for those new singles. I’m really excited to unveil those! You can follow along on Instagram, Facebook, and my website at Thanks for having me!!


Aaron Kusterer – Learning to Feel (Official Lyric Video)



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