
Teachers for SwanZ – a project that celebrates dance every day


This year we celebrate the International Dance Day, both teachers and students, without the emotion of working face-to-face, the energy of the show, the joy of our school life events. Our wish to be more resilient, more creative, has generated the Teachers for SwanZ project, an initiative co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, coordinated by Floria Capsali Choreography High School in Bucharest. The project offers us the chance to work with dance institutions in Bulgaria and Austria, as well as with the Greek community in Romania, to jointly create new methodologies and tools for teaching and learning dance and choreography.

On the occasion of the International Dance Day, we are encouraged by the message of Mr. Alkis Raftis, President of the International Dance Council, a partner of UNESCO, who says in his message: “You produce a vaccine against the virus of the soul: you know how to make people dance. You hear the call, answer it!”


For all the dancers, teachers and students, we do not have a more beautiful message than the one sent to us by our great choreographer Gigi Căciuleanu, the ambassador of the project: For all of us who embrace dance not only as a profession but also as a deep passion, celebrating it takes place not only every day, but also in every moment of our existence.

In every dance, in each of its movements, you leave yourself and then you come … to you. But not exactly where you started from, but higher, on a spiral; a state where you get full of what you’ve lived, discovered, perceived. Enriched by what you didn’t know and by what you didn’t even imagine about yourself or the world.



If I were to find a definition of Choreography, then I would call it: the most beautiful distance between two points. And the most interesting.

As far as I’m concerned, dance will always be inextricably linked to the verb… That verb that started everything… Which IS, was and probably will always be at the root of all things.


Verb – Thought

Thought – Word

Word – Action

Shiva’s dance!

Dance is poetry

The poetry is reflected in the mirrors of Dance.

To dance …

To search… To reason … To understand …

To write

with the steam

of longing

To whittle away

the stone

of cloud

To think




To fly

with mountains

on the back


with abrupt


in the soul

 To float

with what it is

through what it is not


with what it is not

through what it is

To crush



cave boulders

To break walls

for raising  



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