
Ellada Angelina Pavlou: Klavierkonzert

Die aus Griechenland gebürtige Pianistin Ellada Angelina Pavlou präsentiert ein exquisites Programm von Ravel, Messiaen, Rachmaninov, aber auch Rameau und Scriabin.
Barock, Impressionismus und der Beginn der Moderne. Glocken, Glaube und Vogelstimmen.


  1. P. Rameau: Le Rappel des oiseaux
  2. Ravel: Miroirs
    – Noctuelles
    – Les oiseaux tristes
    – Une barque sur l’océan
    – Alborada del gracioso
    – Vallée des cloches
  3. Konstantinidis: 22 Lieder und Tänze aus Dodecanese (Auswahl)


  1. Messiaen: Vingt regards sur l’enfant Jésus Le baiser de l’Enfant-Jésus
  2. Rachmaninow: Étude Tableau op.39 no.2
  3. Skrjabin: Sonate Nr. 4 in Fis-Dur

Moderation: Lukas Ixenmaier

Tickets: Vorverkauf € 23.–/ Abendkasse € 25.–

  1. September von 19:30 bis 22:00 Uhr

Bank Austria Salon im Alten Rathaus

Ellada – Angelina Pavlou is a Greek pianist currently based in Vienna, Austria.

Ellada Pavlou was born in Xanthi, Greece in 1995. She started piano lessons at the age of five under the guidance of Giannoula Papazoglou. She graduated from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London in 2019 with a BMus in Performance studying with Gabrielle Baldocci. At Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester she pursued her Master’s Degree (MMus in Performance) in 2021 and Artist’s Diploma in 2022 with distinctions, studying with scholarships by Niarchos Foundation and RNCM under Murray McLachlan. Currently, she is under the tutelage of Herbert Rüdisser.

During her studies, Ellada had masterclasses and lessons with Giorgia Alessandra Brustia, Nikolai Demidenko, Peter Donohoe, Barry Douglas, Margaret Fingerhut, Stephen Hough, Leon McCawley,  Hamish Milne, Pascal Nemirovski, Ilya Poletaev, Pascal Roge, Jerome Rose, Martino Tirimo and Vassilis Varvaressos. She has won awards and prizes in several piano competitions including 1st prize and a scholarship at Kozani International Music Festival 2014, 2nd prize at the 4th Pan-Hellenic Competition Maria Cherogiorgou-Sigara 2012. She was a finalist in the 2017 intercollegiate John Longmire Beethoven Piano Competition. Ellada received the 3rd prize at Semi-Annual Philadelphia International Music Festival and a scholarship to the 2022 Philadelphia International Music Festival.

Ellada currently is a staff member at the International Christian School Vienna, with occasional teaching and vocal accompaniment commitments. Ellada is an active soloist and a dedicated chamber musician. She recently performed at Maison Heinrich Heine in Paris and at MdW in Vienna with the flutist Vanessa Gasser – including works by Schubert, Poulenc and Reinecke. She regularly performs with soprano Eleni Charalambous including recent concerts in Rome, Vienna and Lower Austria. Together with Christos Fountos, they formed duo “Haliotis” performing repertoire for piano 4-hands and two pianos around the UK. Her interest in new music led her to collaborate with the composer Athanasia Kontou (Greece), including the premiere and recording of her work “After the Sundown”, the composer Philipp-Manuel Gutmann (Austria), whose work “ Memento” she premiered in Paris, and the composer Thomas Aitken (Scotland) for his work “Spatter” for 2 pianos – 4 pianists  with an upcoming premiere of the work in Vienna, June 2024.

Her performances inter alia, include the Athens Concert Hall, the ‘Musical Odyssey,’ Festival in Nafplio and Manos Hadjidakis’ house in Xanthi, Greece; the “Giovani in Musica” Festival in Grosseto, Teatro di Marcello in Rome, Monteverdi Conservatory in Bolzano, Italy; the Bridgewater Hall, the Chetham’s School of Music, the Old Royal Naval College Chapel, the Jacqueline du Pre Music Building in Oxford, the Royal Academy of Arts, and the Pushkin House, UK and the Paderewski Music School in Tarnòw, Poland. Her latest performances took place at Maison Heinrich Heine (German House) in Paris, Ehrbar Saal in Vienna and with the soprano Eleni Charalambous in Austria and Italy.


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